System Evaluation - FREE!

Our technical support team are well trained and are able to size the appropriate system quickly and efficiently. A quick 10 minute phone call is typically all that is needed.

Monitoring and Analysis

Before a system is sold we can data log pertinet information to properly size a nitrogen generation system. After the system is installed we can also monitor the system to troubleshot remotely, saving time and money on expensive service calls.

Technical Service / Support

We react quickly when called upon – but ideally we prevent any issues in advance.

Genuine Parts

Genuine parts from CGT ensure troublle-free operation for many years, eliminating costly downtime.

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Service Agreements

All of our units can typically be serviced in house. For those customers that do not have the ability we are able to provide cost effective service plans to meet your needs.

Get Started Today!

Why spend hours researching the internet when you can get all of your questions answered in a 10 minute phone call.