PMNG Nitrogen Generator still taking care of business for Encana Energy

Encana Energy was recently contacted to see how their PMNG high flow nitrogen generator was performing. The unit was installed back in August of 2004 for boiler layup in their HRSG. The unit is still meeting the original flow and purity specifications. The unit requires only semi-annual filter changes.
EnCana Corporation is North America’s largest natural gas producer, with more than 80 percent of its production being natural gas. The company produced 1.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in 2008 – enough to heat nearly 11 million homes for one year.
EnCana was formed in 2002 with the merger of PanCanadian Energy and Alberta Energy Company. The corporate headquarters are in Calgary, Alberta. In Canada, EnCana has operations in Alberta, northeast British Columbia and southeast Saskatchewan as well as an off-shore operation called Deep Panuke in development off Nova Scotia. In the United States, EnCana operates in Colorado, Wyoming, Texas and Louisiana.
Read more about our PMNG membrane nitrogen generators.