CGT Supports Project Peanut Butter

Compressed Gas Technologies Inc. has teamed up with Project Peanut Butter (PPB) to supply a nitrogen generator for one of their manufacturing facilities located in Africa. Often in remote areas it is very difficult and expensive to get nitrogen cylinders. CGT PMNG membrane nitrogen generators are very reliable and simple to use, making it a perfect fit with what Project Peanut Butter is trying to accomplish.
Who They Are:
Project Peanut Butter is a non-profit organization that produces and provides ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to severely malnourished children, primarily in sub – Saharan Africa. They currently have internationally inspected factories operating in Malawi and Sierra Leone, and are in the initial stages in Mali. PPB also has a project in the Philippines.
What They Do:
PPB helps feed hundreds of thousands of malnourished children. They have three main methods of distributing RUTF to those who need it.
- PPB sites – providing the RUTF, staff, training and outreach.
- PPB-supported sites – receving the RUTF and training at no cost.
- PPB affiliated clinics – where they sell the RUTF at the cost of manufacture to multiple governments and charities around the world.
How To Help:
Visit the Project Peanut Butter website and make a donation.